Evaluations are this weekend!
Register Today!
March 22 is Opening Day!
Starting in 2025, players league age 4-7 can play in the league of their family's choice. This rule update will also allow their older siblings to join them in the league of their family's choice.
Spring 2025 Registration Opens December 2nd!
Click the link at the bottom of the page to request to sponsor an Athens Little League team! The link will give you all the information you need about the sponsorship levels.
Keep up with your favorite Athens Little League team or league through GameChanger. Majors: https://web.gc.com/organizations/4JfX6GB9bEoM Minors: https://web.gc.com/organizations/FlvlEE36WyAv Rookie: https://web.gc.com/organiz...
PO Box 6122 Athens, Georgia 30604
Email: [email protected]